Social Wellbeing
KickStart Breakfast is so much more than tamariki having breakfast. It is a place for students to feel connected and nurtured. A positive and warm environment where tamariki can engage with peers and teachers before a day of learning.
Every year, KickStart Breakfast asks schools to share the impact the programme has on their tamariki. In 2019, over 1000 Schools reported the following positive impacts the programme provides:
Improvement in general health & wellbeing (75.6%)
Improvement in-class concentration levels (74.8%)
Improvement in children’s behaviour (60.5%)
Building positive relationships with peers and teachers (51.4%)
*2019 Term four KickStart Breakfast survey. Responses gathered from 1004 schools involved in the programme.
The programme allows flexibility to work best for your students and their needs. Setting up the programme correctly can see attendance levels improve, increase student welfare, and fuel tamariki to help them learn and grow as individuals.
"Children who used to come to school unhappy and hungry, now turn up all smiles at breakfast club because they know they can eat their fill with no judgment". Norsewood & Districts School