30 August 2024

Regional Milestone Celebrations in August

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Throughout August, we've had many schools celebrating 15 years of KickStart Breakfast! From the top of the country, to the deep south - our team of Relationship Managers have joined some of these milestone celebration breakfasts across Aotearoa.

Each school's journey with KickStart Breakfast is unique and provides a chance for them to get the most out of the programme for their wider school whānau.

KickStart Breakfast Programme Manager Tracey Putt says the positive impacts of the programme go far beyond the breakfast table.

“KickStart Breakfast removes barriers for tamariki and rangatahi to access nutrition, while at the same time providing a space for students and the wider school community to come together, share some kai and build connection. “The programme brings together teachers, student leaders, whānau, and the 4,000 strong volunteers who generously give their time and energy to supporting their local breakfast clubs every school day.”

Check out some of the celebrations from the across the motu below!

Kings' High School, Otago

South Island Relationship Manager, Ross Hamilton, headed along to join some of the staff and students at Kings High School, Dunedin for an informal celebration of kai and kōrero. Local Anchor franchisee owner and ops manager, Harvey and Scott, were there to share the celebration. Harvey's team have been delivering Anchor milk to schools across Otago since the programme began in 2009.

King’s High School have 80 students attend their breakfast club every school day. Staff in attendance are hugely supportive of the programme and the positive difference it is making to both learning and culture within their school.

A ‘show of hands’ showed that ~80% of students felt KickStart Breakfast made a huge difference to the rest of their academic day, and they engage with peers they wouldn’t usually.

Relationship Manager Ross sharing a few words at Kings High School

Hikurangi School, Northland

Hikurangi School have been part of KickStart Breakfast since 2013 and have approximately 80 tamariki attend their breakfast club daily. There are currently 81% of all schools in Northland participating in KickStart Breakfast

Stacey Richards, Deputy Principal of Hikurangi School, says the school is appreciative of the support from KickStart Breakfast.

"It means we can provide our tamariki with a wholesome breakfast each day and it takes the pressure off our whānau for at least one meal a day. Our tamariki enjoy being part of breakfast at school and it is a really nice way for them to start the day - hanging out with their mates and our school whānau. We are lucky to have ten whānau who support this initiative and they come in one day a week to support - they are awesome, we are really lucky to have them!"

The celebration breakfast at Hikurangi School was support by Fonterra Northland Hapori team members, Aide & Sophie, who helped tamariki and whānau whip up some delicious stack 'em up cups with Weet-Bix, fruity yoghurt, Anchor milk and fruit.

Birdwood School, Auckland

Hosting a special breakfast with our KickStart Breakfast partner representatives, Birdwood School in West Auckland put on an extra special breakfast to acknowledge 15 years of KickStart Breakfast and thank Whaea Kilistina who runs their breakfast club every school day.

Birdwood School have been part of KickStart Breakfast since 2009 with Principal, Vikki Rihari, shares how important KickStart Breakfast sets tamariki up for their day.

We are very lucky at Birdwood School to be involved in the Kick Start Breakfast programme. Birdwood School is working to remove the barriers to education and the breakfast programme fits in with this kaupapa. When our students start the day with a nutritious breakfast and a catch up with their friends it sets them up for the day. "Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora te manuhiri" "With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive".

Click here to read more about Minister Upston, Minister of Social Development's joining Birdwood School for their KickStart Breakfast celebration.

Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere, South Waikato

A full school celebration was held at Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere in South Waikato with an army of volunteers from the local Fonterra sites. The kura has been part of KickStart Breakfast for 15 years and has seen the programme evolve since it started in 2009.

Hosting over 350 tamariki and rangatahi at the special celebration breakfast, principal Keith Silveira shared the impact of KickStart Breakfast goes beyond the breakfast table.

“The KickStart Breakfast programme is an integral part of our who kai programme. Breakfast is a great time for everybody to meet, talk and fill up, ready for a busy day. What is unique to us is that we feed everyone. It is not uncommon to see students and staff having a meal together or doing dishes.”

Click here to read our spotlight story on the celebration breakfast!

Maungaturoto School, Northland

Maungaturoto School have been part of KickStart Breakfast for approximately 8 years and have an open door policy where everyone is welcome! Some tamariki attend every school morning and others will pop in once or twice a week to enjoy some delicious kai, conversation with peers and teachers and set themselves up for a successful day.

Principal, Margi Hutchinson shares the impact KickStart Breakfast has in their school.

The beauty of KickStart Breakfast is that it is very easy to set up and operate. The milk and Weet-Bix always get delivered on time at the beginning of each term. One of our junior teachers - Karla Tana sets up and runs the KickStart Breakfast in School Programme every morning. Many of our children have quite long bus rides to school in the morning, so being able to have breakfast when they get to school is a huge advantage.
KickStart Breakfast has a very positive impact on our school. It means that every single child is full and ready to learn as soon as the bell rings. The children all know where to go to have breakfast so everybody who wants to participate pops over to where the breakfast is set up and has their breakfast before getting on with the rest of their day. It is also great for parents who know that their child will be fed as soon as they get to school.”

Some of the local team Fonterra' Maungaturoto site joined Maungaturoto for their KickStart Breakfast 15 year celebration breakfast where stack em cups were enjoyed by over 200 tamariki at morning tea.

Volunteers from Fonterra's Maungaturoto Site popped in to help tamariki celebrate 15 years of KickStart Breakfast

If your school is keen to join in the celebrations and needs a helping hand, get in touch with your Relationship Manager or email the team on kickstart.breakfast@fonterra.com!