27 September 2024

More 15 year celebrations across the motu

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Our 15 year programme milestone celebrations continued into September with more schools joining in on celebrating what KickStart Breakfast means to them. Some of our Relationship Managers were fortunate to check out some of the events that took place.

Temuka Primary School, South Canterbury

On a crispy Friday morning, 240+ tamariki from Temuka Primary School proudly celebrated 15 years of KickStart Breakfast with some of the team members from Fonterra's nearby site at Clandeboye. Breakfast included the usual spread of Weet-Bix, Anchor milk and fruit! A delicious nutritious breakfast fulling many puku along with lots of chatter and conversation with some of the visitors.

Temuka Primary has been part of KickStart Breakfast for nearly 5 years and have found the programme an incredible addition to their school with an 'everyone is welcome' policy!

KickStart Breakfast club coordinator, Maggie shares
“Breakfast Club is a great place for everyone to come and enjoy Kai and catch up with their friends before school in a supportive and Inclusive environment”

To mark the special occasion, the team at Clandeboye delighted students by bringing in a Fonterra tanker providing everyone a chance to sit in the driver's seat of the 48 tonne truck!

KickStart Breakfast 15 year celebrations

Nawton School, Hamilton

Proudly participating in KickStart Breakfast since 2011, Nawton School have over 70 tamariki who attend their breakfast club every day. The school was delighted to be part of our 15 year milestone celebration with the support of 20 staff from Fonterra's Canpac site, local Farm Source store and Olly Te Ua from the local Anchor milk team.

Smoothie making
Kiri Trainor, Deputy Principal of Nawton school shares:
"KickStart Breakfast at our school is all about making sure students get a healthy start to the day, feeding not just their bodies but also their minds and spirit, so they’re ready to seize the day. It’s not just about food – it’s about Aroha, looking out for each other, and building a positive, caring community where everyone can connect and feel supported."

Serving up some delicious kai of smoothies and Weet-Bix stackers to over 150 tamariki and some fun activities including ‘Throw the Gumboot’.

Newbury School, Manawatū

On the outskirts of Palmerston North, Newbury School runs a fantastic breakfast club every school day where everyone is welcome to come for kai, kōrero and a chance to connect before starting the school day. A team of 20 Fonterra staff from milk processing site at Makomako Road, manufacturing site at Longburn and Research & Development Centre couldn't wait to join Newbury School for a special KickStart Breakfast 15 year celebration.

Delicious fruity Weet-Bix smoothies were on the menu with Anchor milk fresh from the site as well as a fun activity of churning butter from cream.

Newbury School

KickStart Breakfast team member, Rosy Herstell, was at the event and loved teaching the tamariki at Newbury School about the important role a nutritious breakfast played. She loved the energy and passion for the students of the rural school and was impressed with their knowledge of farm to fork!

Principal, Chris Symon, attended the event and shared:

"Newbury School was extremely fortunate to have some Fonterra staff host a celebration for 15 Years of KickStart Breakfast in Schools. Not only did our entire school get to enjoy a delicious smoothie, they also had a range of fun challenges to complete. The Fonterra team was fantastic with our tamariki.
We all know that breakfast is a vital meal in supporting our tamariki to attend and learn effectively at kura. KickStart Breakfast programme feeds a growing number of tamariki each and every day and it is a wonderful way for our kids to begin school on a full stomach, whether it's their first meal or a top up to kick off the day."

The last two months of celebrations would not have been possible without the incredible effort and support we've had from some key individuals in the regions! A special thank you to Sally Taylor, Aide Shortland-Mendez Garcia, Larissa Trusler, Maddy Hill, Caitlin Hayes, Fonterra CNI team, and North Waikato ‘Doing Good Together’ committee for all the support and helping these wonderful community celebration events come to life.

Most importantly, a huge mihi to our schools for their support in celebrating our special milestone with us!

KSB 15 years.