13 November 2024

KickStart Breakfast at Portland School Te Kura o Tikorangi

On a recent visit to Te Tai Tokerau, Relationship Manager Tracey Putt visited Portland School Te Kura o Tikorangi. Portland School joined the programme in early 2016 and is one of our 124 KickStart Breakfast schools in Northland.

Meeting with the wonderful staff of Portland School, it was evident the KickStart Breakfast programme has become part of school's daily routine with over half the school's tamariki on the roll popping in for some kai, kōrero and change to connect with peers before the school bell.

Carol and Leonie, staff at Portland School share they promote and encourage tamariki to attend their KickStart Breakfast club through a variety of strategies that focus on engagement, communication and a welcoming environment.

breakfast is served

With an expanding roll, large picnic tables were sourced from a local school who built them as part of their technology class. The multipurpose space provides more than a warm and welcoming location for tamariki to gather for kai. Teachers use the space for teaching and provides a chance for ākonga (students) to have a different learning environment.

The motto for Portland School Te Kura o Tikorangi KickStart Breakfast programme is for all tamariki to ensure they have the opportunity to start the day with a healthy breakfast. Carol shares:

"Providing a nutritious breakfast can improve ākonga concentration, memory and cognitive function. Regular school attendance has been noted as tamariki are more likely to come to school knowing they can attend breakfast club. It provides a social setting where tamariki can interact with their peers, fostering friendships and social skills."

Tumuaki, Principal Rachel Bycroft shares:

"...it's also an opportunity for kaimahi (staff) to build positive relationships with tamariki in an informal setting, getting to know them better outside the classroom environment. This helps create a strong sense of community and belonging within the school."

If you want to read about some of our other schools participating in KickStart Breakfast, click here.