What We Offer
KickStart Breakfast currently provides free breakfast to more than 43,000 tamariki and rangatahi every school day in nearly 1,500 schools across New Zealand. KickStart Breakfast help students achieve their best by getting a kickstart to their day.
KickStart Breakfast is designed to work for your school!
Serving Breakfast before school, morning tea, lunchtime and/or during class
Available All public schools (irrelevant of EQI)
Location School hall, classroom, staffroom
Led by Volunteers, students school staff, charity groups
Flexibility To run once a week to every school day

How it all works?
Fonterra and Sanitarium provide and deliver a free school breakfast of Anchor™ milk and Sanitarium Weet-Bix™. The Ministry of Social Development provides funding to enable the programme to be offered nationwide across public schools and some alternative education providers, irrelevant of EQI (equity index).
We ask that schools source bowls, spoons, a central location, food storage facilities and of course the staff or volunteers to run their breakfast club!
With support from the local community, a breakfast club creates an environment that encourages students to develop social skills, take on extra responsibility and grow academically.

Acting as kaitiaki for our environment!
We’re proud to serve over 200,000 breakfasts a week. To ensure we are all doing our part as kaitiaki in caring for our environment, KickStart Breakfast provides special recycling bins to all our schools to collect our Anchor milk packs.
We also encourage schools to do their part in correctly recycling the cardboard boxes your Anchor milk and Sanitarium Weet-Bix are packaged in. Some of our schools are taking their eco-warrior status to the next level and have started recycling the plastic liner in their local soft plastics recycling. We 100% support this.
Our schools take their environmental awareness to the next level by reaching out to the wider community donations of unused crockery and cutlery to help get their breakfast clubs off the ground.
Get enrolled now!
KickStart Breakfast is a community partnership
made possible by Sanitarium, Fonterra and the Government.