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KickStart Breakfast

A community partnership initiative helping more tamariki & rangatahi achieve their best by getting a kickstart to their day. KickStart Breakfast provides kai and guidance to help schools to run a successful, sustainable breakfast club to meet their needs.

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Our Reach

More than 43,000 tamariki & rangatahi have breakfast every school day
More than 43,000 tamariki & rangatahi have breakfast every school day

In nearly 1,500 Schools across New Zealand
In nearly 1,500 Schools across New Zealand

Over 70 million breakfasts have been served and counting
Over 70 million breakfasts have been served and counting

Over 4,000 Volunteers support our breakfast clubs
Over 4,000 Volunteers support our breakfast clubs

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More than just breakfast

Fuelling Kiwi kids with the goodness of Anchor™ milk and Sanitarium Weet-Bix™, tamariki & rangatahi experience the power of a nutritious breakfast along with the social interaction with peers, volunteers, teachers and the wider community.

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