Our Reach
More than 43,000 tamariki & rangatahi have breakfast every school day
In nearly 1,500 Schools across New Zealand
Over 70 million breakfasts have been served and counting
Over 4,000 Volunteers support our breakfast clubs
More than just breakfast
Fuelling Kiwi kids with the goodness of Anchor™ milk and Sanitarium Weet-Bix™, tamariki & rangatahi experience the power of a nutritious breakfast along with the social interaction with peers, volunteers, teachers and the wider community.
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Our Partners

At Sanitarium Health Food Company we believe in the potential of every kiwi to live well. The potential to be healthy - physically and mentally. The potential to be happy. And we believe this starts with simple, good nutrition because what you feed your body and your mind, changes the way you feel.
In 1901 Sanitarium started making health foods and promoting the benefits of wholesome plant-based foods. We did this to give Kiwi’s healthier choices and we’ve been doing it ever since.
Caring for the community is a core value. Whether it’s fostering good health and wellbeing through the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon, tackling child hunger through the KickStart Breakfast Club or providing Kiwi’s with a free nutrition advice service, we’re here because we want to make a difference.

At Fonterra, we help out our communities where we can. Partnering with Sanitarium and the New Zealand Government means all of us can help create goodness for generations and give children the best start to the day – a nutritious breakfast.
We value the part we play in our community and being part of this programme helps us to forge strong relationships, grow future leaders while making valuable nutrition available to our tamariki.
The initial aim of providing a nutritious breakfast for kids who might otherwise not get that has been achieved. But, what has exceeded expectations are the communities in and out of the schools that have developed from the breakfast clubs and some of the intangible qualities that have come with that – care, nurturing, confidence and connection. We feel fortunate (and a little proud) to be playing a role in these communities.

Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Social Development is a proud KickStart Breakfast partner. We recognise that giving children a great start to the day supports their educational and social wellbeing. It also important to support tamariki and whānau to ensure that communities can thrive. KickStart Breakfast is a wonderful programme that enables this to happen.
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